Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Ok, so first and foremost as I pursue my ambitions it has occurred to me that I need more money. I have been looking for something new for quite a long time but to no avail. After a lot of thinking and researching I decided why not try bartending? I love going out and being in social environments plus I figure I could make some good money while also getting used to talking to people (which could help with my networking skills). So I went to check out the American Bartenders school today and though they are legitimate it felt like they were trying to push the class on me too fast. The biggest problem is its 800 bucks and even though I'm sure I can make that back easily once I finish, its still a lot of money to ask for so quickly (what do they think I'm a drug dealer?). I thought about it some more and decided to take a look at some other schools also in order to be sure that I'm spending my money as well as a loan from a helpful family member (thanks bro). After all I wouldn't want to spend all of that money and still end up with no job and more debt than I started off with. I blog about this because it's important that I earn some money in order to be able to not only afford my apt rent but to also be able to get all the equipment I want for my own studio. I'm seriously tired of paying people money to record my songs when I can just learn how to do it myself. Anyway, if anybody who reads this has any insight on bartending as well as bartending school then please leave a comment with any advice that you see fit even if you think its a bad idea. Till tomorrow people. coming soon

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Music is interesting

You know music is interesting. I was just listening to some Kid Cudi, and then some old Red Man and I really find it crazy how much it can affect your mood. I don't know about you all but every time I get a little upset by something I just throw some music and it makes me feel way better. I don't know why? Also, whenever I hear something that sucks (like 90 percent of gangsta rappers out there) it has the complete opposite effect......I just want to RYU uppercut someone. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way but I'm curious to see who disagrees? is there anything besides music that gives you this same feeling? like if you're a painter does painting make you feel the same way or is it a combination of both painting and music? or do you need to concentrate. It actually kind of makes me think back to when my mother used to cook while listening to Afro-Cuban music or Sachmo (louie armstrong) or even Nat King Cole, she always seemed so happy. I wonder if it ever had an effect on the way that the food turned out? Maybe this is why I pursue Hip Hop so much, who knows...........up up up and awaaaaay folks