Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For Asgard Mixtape

OK! so after all of the scrounging up money for studio sessions, searching for quality production and constant reworking of music it's done. I have been telling people that I was working on this project for a while and now I have a finished product. I'm so happy to actually have something that people can see which exhibits my actual talents. The best part about it is that I'M ALREADY RECORDING THE NEXT ONE!! (Ragnarok, look out for that too). The creative process was so free and enlightening that it allowed me to get a better grasp on how to construct an album. Having to toss songs that sound good in theory but don't really fit the overall project and also revisit hard places emotionally in order to show people who I really am. After all the sessions with Craig (my engineer) and soul searching within my self there's now something to reflect that.....oh and yeah, this is JUST THE BEGINNING! after all the work I've gotten my mixtape posted on www.Vladtv.com and am in the process of sending it to as many blogs as possible (hip hop, non hip hop). So if you happen to be a blogger yourself and come across this, check me out. Again I'd like to thank all of those who were involved in this project creatively(Craig Levy, Ashleigh Awusie, Esquire The Great, Cawze, Ren Kali), production wise (Belieze The Hype, The Ismus, Cru N Siege, Daniel Hardee, Trilogy Productions) as well as those who gave support (Zo, Lo, Branson, Real MCcoy, Rammy, Travis aka Phantom, Rahiem, PJ, Colin C, Shin, my fam and everybody else)....see you again soon and remember, there is ALWAYS an alternative.....up up up and away....I'm Gone!

